The change of an email address is no easy task. Unfortunately, you use your email to access all sorts of websites and accounts. It is not a simple thing to change once you change a provider. Now that I think of it I should have gotten one of the free emails not tied to a provider and had all my accounts registered to it. I fear not being able to change it latter or worse having them bounce me out for an invalid email.
I just created my Amazone associate link and now find that I must change a provider. Not to change would cost me $100’s of dollars and right now things being what they are we must watch every penny.
From a marketing point of view I want users with valid emails. From a customer point of view I want to be able to change my email and transfer my history and info to another username if needed.
What do you think about this? Please comment and let me know.
Take time to recharge
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can you believe it? We are already at St. Patty’s day this year. Time is sure moving fast and we need to catch up. So what have you done for yourself today? As a Mommy, I always do stuff for the little ones the school, work, my hubby and the dog and never get to me. But we need to take care of ourselves or we cannot take care of our families.
If you enjoy working in the garden then that’s a great release. It has to be done and yet it can be your escape. You can still watch the little ones play while you tend to the garden and slip into the world of nature. Smell the soil, work the earth, smell the plants, see the butterflies.
If you like horses, then steal away and mount up. The weather is bright and crisp, a good day to steal an hour for a good ride. It is expensive but it sure beats paying a shrink. At least a horse is my therapy when I can get away for a bit.
If cooking is your passion, then make a meal or a cake for no reason that the love of the art. If we put off for tomorrow then it may never come. Make the meal for yourself for your family. Make the special cupcakes your daughter likes with the sparkles just because you have fun making it. Or make the cookies the boys like because they are so fancy when Mom makes them and you love to escape in the process.
If you are like my girlfriend, she looks at my Arbonne webpage and orders some Spa things to escape for an hour and be spoiled. Her husband even calls and asks me to send some of her favorite stuff just because he knows she needs a bit of down time. And yes by the end of the bath, her littlest one plunges in to take advantage of the bubbles. But by then Mommy has had at least some time to recharge.
Now once you are recharged lets talk about spring cleaning. That’s my next blog. I am going to help you be organized, ready and able to take on the world. Follow me to a better you, more informed and happier.
Egg Shell Gardening
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

- it is a cheap pot and very good for the soil. You can have pots that go right in the soil lessoning the transplant shock to the plants.
- Egg shells provide calcium which is needed for fast growing plants. It is quickly depleted from the soil so egg shells are a good way to keep the balance.
- Egg shells can be used on the bottom of pots to help with drainage instead of stones. They are lighter and give nutrients back.
- Egg shells also deter the slugs and cutworms that love tender plants such as; peppers tomatoes, broccoli, and cabbage . Just place the egg shell around the stem of the plant.
- Tomatoes, these are fast growing plants who tend to suffer from blossom end rot. Egg shells help prevent the end rot. Either grow the plant in a shell and then add more egg shells near the soil .
Where do we start?
- When you bake, make eggs, save the shells. You can use them one of two ways in the garden , either as pots or an additive.
- Wash the shells out well with water. VERY IMPORTANT
- Moisten the starter soil or medium. It is easier to work with this way and less is loss. I use GreenSoil’s tea listed below since it gives the seeds an extra boost.
- Fill the shell with the medium and press one or two seeds down to the depth the package recommends.
- Finally mist with the water or “tea”.
- Place the eggs in an egg carton and cover with a clear top. Plastic bag or cover or glass work well.
- Place in an area where you can control the temperature and light the seeds will receive. The closer you match the recommendations on the seed packet the better.
- Make sure that the soil is moist but not water logged. Look for signs of life.
- If two seeds have sprouted in your container remove the smaller one and plant in its own container. I use one seed and if nothing sprouted I plant another seed and mark the date. I try to have seeds started 10 days apart to extend the growing season, when one ripens another is still a wk away.
- I use the “tea” every 10 days to ensure proper growth.
- Transplant your seeds when you see three sets of leaves. Water your plants. Carefully squeeze the shell. You want to break the shell but not the membrane. The membrane will help keep moisture around the seed. It’s okay if it breaks. The broken shell will break down easier into the soil. Place at the proper depth in the soil wither in a garden or a pot.
- Crush up other shells for you tomatoes plants.
There is how you do it. Leave me a comment please. What other info can I give you?
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