When it comes to health and beauty products we want what works and does not harm us. Yet many products contain chemicals that are not natural or safe for us. Mineral oil is in many cosmetics yet it makes our pores larger and is a derivative of petroleum.
Cleaners that we use in our home have toxic chemicals. If we want little hands to help us we do not want them working with theses toxics. So what is a person t o do???
READ LABELS. Know the products that you are using and research. Look at the products that will work for you with the least amount of chemicals. Even the products that say they are green may not be as green as you think. I have found some products out there. They are there on your store shelves. If you cannot find any contact me for name and where to get some. But please look at Whole Foods and Trader Joes and even your local stores.
I have now even found a good source for cleaning products. They even come right to my door and do not have the BAD chemiclas in them. I had my chiropractor and health expert look into them and he approved them.
Contact me at Riarocco@hotmail.com
Thank you for your interest in getting green!
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