He called to let me know he was on the road and saw the second plane hit the towers. The turnpike was at a stop but he was going in. He later told me that the tunnels to NYC were closed but he put on his lights and sirens and was waved through. It was eerie being the only car in the tunnel, he said.
I did not hear from him until late that night. I was a New Yorker living in New Jersey. Did not have any good friends near and my close friends were unreachable in NYC. I had no way to get in and only wanted to go in and help - man phones at the Police station, help at a hospital but I could not. My parents were in NYC, they owned a house near the Police Department and like many opened their doors to the First responders that could not go home. A place to crash, a bath, and some food.
We could not believe that this was planned. It had to be a horrific accident. But after the second plane hit we knew we were under attack. I was afraid for us, I was afraid for my unborn child. I was afraid for those who would not see their loved ones come through the door. I saw a country shaken but pull together. The sleeping dog was up and growling. Lady Liberty was crying with her fist in the air. I saw people going to give blood that would not have done it at any other time. I saw strangers hugging and candles lit at night. I saw a unity that was not there before. It did not matter what you were a maid or CEO, who cared about the color of your skin, what language you spoke, what you looked liked we were all the same—Americans. We were united.
After all planes were grounded, I was proud when I saw a Military plane overhead. People around me would stop and look up and wave. We knew they could not see us but we were proud of them.
I learned that two childhood friends were each in one tower. One called the other and true to form said he would race him down to safety. That was the only reason the second left his office. The second waited for his friend outside and only saw the tower fall. Our friend was still inside.
Yet, nine years later, a little voice asks why do you cry today Mommy. What is today? She says her prayers for the fallen. She cannot understand how we all came together since she has never seen that. I cannot explain how the world was so different. How we played outside alone; how we lost the innocence. She never knew the innocent time.
All gave some and some gave it all. Let us Never Forget. Teach your children what this day means.
R.I.P all those who died that fatefull day. "Let's Roll" to a better world where innocence is not far gone and say "GOD BLESS THE USA".