Organic or Not

Friday, April 8, 2011

Organic clsims on personal care products such as creams and  lotions are not regulated.  The USDA Organic label on food only ensures that what you put in your body is truly organic.  Producers personal care products can label a product organic with only one ingrediant being organic.

The requirements set by the USDA for food items states that they must be third-party certified to the USDA National Organic Program standards.  These standards prohibit the use of genetically engineered seeds or crops, sewage sludge, toxic and persistent pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.  These items are obviously dangerous to our helth and shoud not be placed on your body.

Please be aware of this when you shop for your products.  I represent two companies who pride themselves in these standards.  If you need personal products please contact me.

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