Here are some back to school tips that I thought you would like and a chance to dosome good for the environment and our children:
1.Art supplies. Paints should be water-based to avoid solvents and colored with non-metal pigments. Polymer clays that stay soft at room temperature or can be hardened in a home oven -- are made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and often contain phthalates. When possible make your own clay.
2.Hand washing. Plain soap and water is great but if you have to choose a sanitizers use one that has ethyl
alcohol but no fragrance
3.Backpacks. Natural fibers are the way to go. Skip those made with PVC that is no #3, the symbol for
PVC, or look for "no PVC" on the label.. Second best are the polyester and nylon ones.
4.Lunch boxes. Make sure they do not cntain lead paint, PVC, BPA and antimicrobial chemicals. Some options are: cotton lunch bags, BPA-free plastic or unpainted stainless steel. Reuse utensils from home and pack food in reusable, rather than disposable, containers (such as lightweight stainless steel or #1, 2, 4 or 5 plastics). The Safe Landing has great products including drinking containers.
5.Pencils and pens. Pick plain wooden pencils (no paint or glossy coating) made from wood or recycled newspaper. Skip the scented ones.
6.Notebooks and binders. Plastic covers on binders and spiral notebooks are usually made from PVC (#3 plastic). Avoid these.
7 .Paper products. Look for recycled paper, no bleach. Avoid added lotion, fragrance and dyes.
8.Glue. Good options are: glue sticks, white/yellow/clear "school" glue. No rubber cement.
9. Clothing. remember to label everything. I usedto make my own labels but I have enough to do without
that so now I buy mine and get to stick them on and peel off when I am through with an item try them at Children's Labels.
Okay Mom's you have the information to make better choices for your children. Mine like the binders and folders with the plastic and designes. So I cut out the pictures from gift wrap and use my glue stick to glue on their books and notebooks. This worked and then it is also handmade with extra touches. Hope this helps. Let me know what else you need info on,
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