
Friday, September 3, 2010

We took a trip to Toronto, Canada as a family. Wow what a beautiful city. It was clean and the people were very friendly. Two things caught my eye. First on the main strip, the restaurants have big windows facing the street. In two of the restaurants, right by the big windows, I saw not one but two MOMs breastfeeding. It was a beautiful sight. Yes they were not exposed but they were not shoved in the back or told to hide. It was accepted as normal. Yet here in the USA we still see lawsuits about MOMs not being allowed to breast feed or asked to move out of sight.

I then noticed a lot of wheelchairs. The city accommodates them and they are seen everywhere. It was with great ease that they moved around and the transportation system easily accommodated them. I always remember a trip to NYC where I saw a wheelchair bound person struggling with the buses. Here everyone seemed to be more mobile. It was nice to see.

And finally the last thing that impressed me was the way recycling was a part of everyday life. From the time we crossed the border there were blue bins for paper and cans and glass. Even the hotel rooms had these bins. Some places even had organic matter receptacles headed for a compost heap. I wish we did that more. They made it easy to recycle so more people did it.

Well those are my thoughts for today. How can we make the world better? One step at a time. Do one nice thing for another today.


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